Sunday, August 10, 2008

new haircut

I am still sick... pneumonia! But I am not going to complain. I am tired of everything going wrong so I am just going to ignore it!

We have tried to let Jakeys hair grow out, but no matter what I do he always looks like he just got out of bed. His hair resembled a rats nest more than the golden curls I was hoping for... well maybe that's a little harsh, but his hair was a mess!

I had enough of it today, so I buzzed it off! I am soooo happy the way it looks and I can't stop touching it. You know the short hair cut you have to stroke over and over again, because it feels so good.

Scot wasn't too thrilled... he liked the wolf boy look! But its not him who had to try to get a brush through that hair!

And here are a few more pictures I took tonight...

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