Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Yesterday we celebrated Scot's Birthday (and my Dad's) and Halloween.

It was a great day and we had a lot of fun getting ready for trick or treating at night.

We carved some last minute pumpkins.

Hang up some ghosts in trees.

Added more decoration to the mix and went shopping for Halloween candy!

(Which by the way could be an entire post by itself and since I want to forget going to a "Walmart store opening ON Halloween to buy a few bags of candy" I will not bore you with the details)

But if there is one thing I DO want to remember from Halloween 2009 is

after the second house Jakey running down the driveway as a mummy. One hand he is holding a piece of candy and in the other he is holding his orange trick or treat bag. And he is screaming from the top of his lungs "I love Halloween"



(trying to be scary!)

(Finn went as "bundled up baby")

(the cousins)

1 comment:

  1. OMG I LOOOOOOOVE Jakey's costume! Good job!
    So glad y'all had fun. Finn looks so cozy and cute with Tante Snille's hat and pacie :)
