Monday, August 18, 2008

Making the best out of things...

We are down to one car! My old Toyota finally died... after 250,000 miles - I am not mad!
Since it seems like we are having a bad luck cloud over our house we decided to stop whining and making the best out of things! Not always easy, but things are easier to take that way.

So we scrubbed, washed, cleaned and scrubbed some more our one "healthy" car!

and after we were done making our car "pretty" again we decided to head to the drive-in. What better way to celebrate your car...

On the way over we picked up a bucket of KFC

Scot cracks me up in this picture

Jake fell asleep in the car... slept for a while, woke up, went back to sleep and woke up again and was up for the entire movie!

He wasn't that interested in the movie, so he climbed back and forth all night long. Then he saw a little girl in the car next to us, so he screamed out of the window "Little girl, I'm watching a movie in my car! Little girl!"

I think the next time he might stay home...


  1. Jake is too cute!!
    And that picture makes me want KFC!

    Glad you guys had fun :)

  2. Oh - I passed an award along to you on my blog :)
